1. Children's school.
English classes. Teacher said:
- Today we learn the alphabet. He say this A- B - C - D - E
One child stood up and asked:
- The keyboard – where are you see them?
2. Child of programmer's question:
- Dad, what notation?
- How does that mean ... listen, midi files, notation is
written on paper.
A: Because the computer would not say, 'I have to leave, I have a
4. Hello, can you calling tonu?
- tonu, she had left in the world.
- He died?
- No, taking the internet.
5. Two friend’s conversation.
- I'm starting a new life.
- Tobacco - alcohol leave up?
- No, create a new and fresh Facebook account.
6. On the train going to the user and the programmer.
Everyone has tickets for users. However, the programmer bought one ticket. When
the checker has come Programmers come into toilet. The tickets checker to check
the toilet door and start knock. One of them gives a ticket at the door of a
little gap. The tickets checker check ticket and go out.
The next day, the train was again the user and the
programmer. The four users bought a ticket. Programmers do not have any tickets.
. When the checker has come Programmers come into toilet. The Programmers start
knock on the door. One of them gives a ticket at the door of a little gap. Programmers
take this ticket and enter an toilet. A little later come checker....
7. Two friend’s conversation.
- A woman has been identified with the Internet. How to
do a deep relationship with him, do not understand.
- you can go a good restaurant’s website with her.
8. Do you want to earn money through Facebook?
Open your profile, account settings, then deactivate the
Now work with attentively!
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